Check out my old phone! The most blinged out phone around...I'm gonna miss it. Love the way it sparkles! But the Motorola SMS function is just killing me! I just cannot get use to it after almost one year! Wah lau! I'm just gonna stick to Nokia...that's what I always say when I get tempted and try another. Just couldn't resist the pink Razor V3X when it came out. Oh well...It's gonna be my spare phone...dunno if any shop willing to take this as trade-in! Haha! Anyway, I can't bear to part with it. Just too pretty.

My New Phone! Heheh...so clean & nice (for now). My baby bought this for my x'mas,b'day & v-day pressie! eee....cheapo! Only 1 present! :P...just kidding babe! Love u...Muack muack! He planned out some game with clues for me to find it hidden somewhere in my room. Too bad, I so clever...the game lasted only less than 20 mins. Hehehe. Told you I'm a genius!

My baby is the best! So sweet :)
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