CNY 2007 is here! This year was a little different for me, past years I would usually just go to my grandma house, have lunch, lay around & wait for people to come n visit. After the people leave...the closer family who stay behind will start to doze off on the sofa or..get this..fall asleep on the King-sized mattress in the middle of the living room! Been kinda a tradition since a few years back when my dad dragged out the mattress to lay on while watching TV. So now...its a permanent fixture for our CNY gatherings. Too bad I got no pic. But while I was searching thru my pics..I came upon this pic of my brother who fell asleep on the sofa after our reunion dinner last year. FUNNY! hehehe...

Veered off abit there...
...this CNY I had to do quite abit of visiting following my hubby & his family around. They have quite a big extended family so we went to quite a few places. Let me tell u, a cheongsum is not comfy in non-airconditioned places after you've eaten a hundred pineapple tarts, a few thousand 'Hae-bi-Hiam' and a whole ton of other rubbish! I had to keep tugging and pulling to keep the skirt down...n the top up. I'm more used to big flowy styles where I can sit any way I like and not 'zhao-geng' to all the uncles & aunties. But..it did look nice. So once a year is ok la.
Oh ya...n my hubby even wanted me to buy the smaller size cheongsum. When I tried it on, it was super tight-fit..like cannot even sit down. Lucky I chose the bigger one in the end. Must make allowance for CNY food. There's nothing to do but EAT n SMILE when you are visiting people you don't know. They will keep saying "Please help yourself!" so I help lor..I just munched away non-stop.

ya...n I forgot to take a pic of my nails. So I included a close up here. The flowers are pretty lasting..still perfectly ok till now. Most of the jewels have fallen off. I'm so proud of myself (thick skinned)...I even managed to do the flowers on my left hand.

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